The CIfA client guide for meeting archaeological project requirements

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) has just published their latest edition of a guide aiming to help those involved in development, infrastructure and power-generation projects.

‘Professional archaeology: a guide for clients’ provides the information clients need to meet any archaeological requirements that may relate to their work, thus benefiting from the process and avoiding potentially serious issues. As CIfA says: ‘It explains what you need to do and why you need a professional archaeologist to help you through the process.’

This guide includes four case studies on evaluation techniques that reduce uncertainty, one of which – ‘A geoarchaeological approach to evaluating large land parcels’ – was written by our own MD, Clive Waddington.

You can find the guide, as well as further information for those involved in smaller-scale developments (extensions and house builds), on the CIfA website here:

Archaeological Research Services Ltd