A great start to 2025 with the publication of five ARS Ltd papers

Comparison of features visible at Yeavering in Google Earth imagery with features mapped using aerial photographs as part of the Northern Cheviots AI&M project. (© ARS Ltd 2024, Google Earth).
Comparison of features visible at Yeavering in RGB and thermal composite imagery. (© ARS Ltd 2024).

This year has got off to a brilliant start on the academic front, with the publication of five papers by the experts on the ARS Ltd team.

The 2021 volume of the ‘Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies’ has finally been published, in which there are three papers from our team. Each of these papers sets out techniques we have pioneered in archaeology for prospection of large footprint sites.

The papers are:

  • Flying High! Combining Old with New Methods for Enhanced Airborne Prospection and Characterisation.
  • Illuminating the darkness: using geochemical survey in archaeological reconnaissance and evaluation for major infrastructure developments.
  • Advances in archaeological prospection.

You can find all three ARS Ltd papers in PDF form via the website below:


Our resident osteoarchaeologist, Milena, also has a couple of publications appearing soon:

  • A Tale of two skulls: a multimethod approach to the osteological analysis of perimortem cranial trauma. (Which you’ll be able to find in Nicolay Arkeologisk Tidsskrift. nr136/2-2024: 17-22.)
  • A short cist burial at the Tankerville Arms Hotel, Wooler, Northumberland. (Which you’ll be able to find in Archaeologia Aeliana (6th ser.) 3: 67-90.)


Keep an eye out for more ARS Ltd contributions coming over the next few months.

View of section at Killerby Quarry showing a well-preserved and sealed stratigraphic sequence during recording and sampling of the deposits (© ARS Ltd 2024)
Archaeological Research Services Ltd